CoNgealed CoMonads
Have you been on the lookout for a top-shelf, premium grade algebraic utility slime that doesn't break the bank? One with all the character & soul befitting a modern hyper-gentleman, but accessible to even those of us without vacation homes, or sirens, on Titan? Well, look no farther, because we've got the thing that is just the thing for you. Bold, yet cautious. Simple, yet deceptively complex. And with a depth of character usually reserved for only the highest echelons of utility slime.
Brought to you by Entropy & Sons:

And that's not even all we have in store for you. They said it couldn't be done but we're here to tell you that it could and that we did. Not only are our CoNgealed CoMonads grade A quality at an accessible price, they're also FULLY ALGEBRAIC! That's right. Perfectly differentiable, and absolutely smoooth...
Still not convinced? Just check out our CoNgealed CoMonads in action.
1. Apply judiciously
2. Wait 5 minutes
3. Now what's up.
Coming Soon soon to an auxiliary disbursement nexus near you!
* Disclaimer. This product is not an actual product. Any purchaser of this product waives all rights to receive anything at all in response to their poorly though out actions, their right to sue us for any and all liabilities including any and all consequences of the fact that they have just attempted to purchase algebraic space goo from the internet. Although, you know, you do have to give us your address. There's a good chance we will send you something. We'll let your grandma be the judge of how good of a decision this was.