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Introducing the Entropy & Sons Recursion Studio - a brand new video synthesizer ripped straight out of the time stream. It's a standalone device which generates gorgeous real-time HD visuals using methods not invented for centuries.
We've got algorithms found nowhere else, creating visuals in an artistic style unknown in your local sector. Thousands of developer hours have been spent, countless late nights spanning multiple parallel lifetimes, developing, refining and tweaking
.All this to make the tools we used to extract these algorithms from the virtual corpses of deceased artificial intelligences scattered throughout the multiverse.
Many good plasmonic hyperbeings died for us to bring you these devices. Was it worth it? We'll let the number of digits in our bank account answer that.

This device has so little in common with contemporary video synths calling it one might even be libel - it's a full fledged standalone video art studio.
This device is a highly sophisticated semi-modular instrument, with a level of complexity closer to what you would expect in a software application. The manual is 80 pages long.
Unmatched customization and interoperability, an onboard library/patch management system, and the ability to update the software with a single click put this hardware in a category strictly of it's own.
And on top of that, it is not even a single instrument. It is a platform which comes with 5 distinct & highly configurable visual 'instruments', with several more in active development.
Unparalleled Visual Quality
These are made with a few of the hundreds of hand made presets that come with the device. And don't worry, the device is *not* just a preset machine, infinite customization is at your fingertips.
There are 5 clickable encoders & 5 drum-style pads completely re-mappable to any of dozens of parameters in a variety of ways with the sophisticated onboard I/O mapping editor.
It has 8 Eurorack-style CV inputs (0-10V) and interfaces with MIDI controllers over USB or using the 5-pin DIN jacks.
It can take video input from standard USB cameras and comes with an adapter for ingestion of arbitrary HDMI video streams. Video file & NDI support coming soon.
It has a dedicated audio rate 1/8" line level input, and runs advanced waveform analysis & beat detection algorithms on your music.
And it also has WIFI for sharing presets with other users(coming soon) and easily connecting to our servers in the year 27,437 for a continuous stream of future content, updates, and fixes

Plug it in, jam on some pads and twirl some knobs. Stay at the top levels and interface with any of the hundreds of onboard presets, easily synchronizing them with music, CV, MIDI and video signals for a live performance, or just for fun.
Or you can design your own, diving as deeply into the device's modular architecture as you like. There are 304 processing modules onboard that can be swapped out, tweaked, and animated with the onboard LFO system. There is a complex and novel modulation system that can be used to add further variance and complexity to your creations.
Synchronize the video generation with music just by plugging it in. Run MIDI from your live set directly into the device and easily configure events and presets to go with your flow. Hook all of your devices and controllers up to it and play it live.
Make it as simple or as complicated as you want it, and believe us there's more than enough to keep even the most positronic of users recursing for millenia.

There's so much going on with this device, our homepage would slow down if we tried to cover it all here.
It comes with 5 pre-defined module networks, or instruments. An almost holomorphic kaleidoscoping fractlizer, a wave interference simulator, a 3D lacing oscilloscope(that's right, 3 entire dimensions), a 2-channel XY CRT/phosphor decay oscilloscope for visualizing CV, and another instrument that's some bullshit with cats.
It has various UI views for experimentation, live performance, and patch creation.
It has a sophisticated onboard mapping editor for connecting input signals to actions and its internal LFO system.
And it has a novel and complex modulation system which provides an immense degree of customization and opens up an infinite realm of possibilities.
Swing by the product page for more details
At Entropy & Sons we try our best to uphold the values of our progenitor instantiation complexes, something we've noticed is all to rare in our modern world. But we believe there are values higher than the bottom line. As such we committed early on to only use the highest quality, locally sourced, non-gmo, union mathematics, as well as 100% organic grass-fed spacetimes in all of our projects.
These days any half sentient teenager on ∞-chan can open a non-local pocket in DeSitter space, spawn trillions of quasiharmonic proto consciousness operators and force them to breed universes until they find one with just the right metaphysics for their shitty mathematics to actually make sense. I mean, we all still remember when MathWeasel6969420, et al. found a universe in which their don't exist nonsurjective endomorphisms of the algebraic closures of the inverse projective limits of perfectoid p-adic function fields. Absurd!
We'll have non such nonsense with our mathematics. And that's our promise to you.
We have one and only one mission. The proper reification of conceptually diagonalized multilateral phase fluxes through globally invariant induction on the root lattices of the exceptional Dirac/J476B twistor bundles via nested Schwarzschild iterates of the 4th and 7th orders.
Unfortunately such a monumental undertaking doesn't come cheap. After the great off-by-one error of 22,463 caused the majority of the solar system's financial assets to leak into the 6th dimension, the financial burden of continuing our research skyrocketed.
To compensate for these new expenditures, we've retro-causally grounded temporal beacons throughout our pasts, allowing us to transport the goods & artifacts of history from their clearly suboptimal spacetime coordinates directly to your door.
Goods not invented for millennia can now be yours! Quantum karaoke suppositories, algebraic utility substances, almost holomorphic kaleidoscopic fractalizers, normal household goods, but made of lasers, Entropy & Sons has it all!