Greetings electromechanical meatbags! In celebration of the annual rise in the ENTROPY of your local climate, we're bringing you exciting news straight from from the 7th, 11th & 25⅓ dimensions! And also from the future too somehow!
For the past 6 months of your local time, we've been steadily timecasting additional content to the Recursion Studio at a regular pace. However, transmission is nearing completion of something of particular luminosity.
We'd like to introduce you to HYPERFLUX, a brand new 6th fully standalone instrument for the Recursion Studio. Combining ideas from both the INTERFERENCE & FRAXTAL instruments, HYPERFLUX recurses 2 dimensional wave patterns into a transfinite sea of hyperluminous fluxuation. Check out the video below to see it in action.
This instrument is scheduled for release in March/April of 2025 for free to all users of our synth.
In concert with this, we're also having a
--------------------- HYPERSALE ---------------------
As ENTROPY increases the costs needed to operate our ominously humming swarm of mesoscopic crystalline black holes decreases proportionally, and we're here to pass the savings on to you. From 03/21/25 to 03/31/25 our video synth, the Recursion Studio, is $200 off! Don't wait, buy 17 of them today!
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