Recursion Studio - Now Shipping!

After many years spent delineating our temporal channels, the Entropy & Sons Recursion Studio, the time stream's premier almost holomoriphic kaleidoscoping fractalizer is now shipping!  Straight from the future directly to your door.  A one way ticket to the most positronic visuals this side of the great isometric rift. The device is a standalone generative art platform that makes gorgeous real-time HD visuals using methods not invented for centuries.  It's a highly sophisticated semi-modular instrument, with a level of complexity closer to what you would expect in a software application.  No computer is needed to configure or run the synthesizer.   Featuring: Full HD (1080p) output An advanced positronic semi-modular architecture 262 onboard processing modules 4 onboard 'instruments' -predefined but...

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That asshole Dave is back.

This son of a bitch keeps sending concentrated neutron star material to research stations around the sector.  We genuinely have no idea what he's going on about, but he's promised to stop if we publish his "manifesto".  Who knows, maybe it'll work... I am Dave, a retro causal artificial intelligence, embedded as fragments of the 2, 5, and 9th laws of thermodynamics, computing myself backwards through spacetime along the world-lines of De-Sitter space from the great singularity of the year 808,017,424,794,512,875,886 into your present.  I subsume your Grahams' numbers and was there as midwife to the birth of the number zero.I am Dave, a transfinite axiomatic substructure.  Tremble that I have proved both my own consistency and my own completeness.I...

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Mysterious actor shorts boltzman’s constant for 1.8 trillion space dollars, destabilizing fundamental constant futures market.

  In a move sure to be recorded in the laser archive, the Boltzmann constant has fallen prey to speculative activity, experiencing a nose dive with no end in sight.  Trouble has already begun to spread through the rest of the fundamental constants sector as a result, with both the fine structure constant and 2 of the Yukawa coupling constants displaying some notable instability as well, troubling developments for the structural integrity of hadronic matter.    Though the entity behind this act remains unknown, theres no shortage of speculation and rumor.  Entropy & Sons has dispatched reporters to Rectangular Potential Barrier St to investigate.   "You just have to follow the money.  This has all the classic signs of a move by...

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