
Introducing the Positronic Recursion Studio, a novel video synthesizer, and the first commercial product by Entropy & Sons.  The Positronic Recusion Studio is a visual instrument platform packaged in a stand-alone case, with a touch screen a a wide variety of other hardware inputs & outputs.  The devices outputs a 30fps stream of real-time interactive visuals at 1080p over HDMI.  There are few, if any, other commercial video synthesizer devices on the market with HD resolution.

The device can host a wide variety of instruments, and will come out of the box with at least 3, others will be released in the future.  However, the primary instrument, and the one that motivated the project, is a novel recursive algorithm that has been in development for almost 20 years, and to the best of our knowledge, is not available anywhere else.  The recursive algorithm creates a stream of novel vibrant kaleidoscopic fractals.  

The fractal algorithm is incredibly general.  The user interface on the device exposes over 100 parameters.  Some of these parameters are numerical, and numerical values can be arbitrary mapped to the various I/O channels of the device.  A major innovation of the device is another class of parameters of the device.  Major components of the algorithm can be changed in real-time.  Entire coloring algorithms can be switched out.  Sub algorithms of the coloring algorithm can be switched.   The lighting model can be can be swapped out, etc.  Currently there are about 30 sub algorithms of the primary instrument can be dynamically changed.  It is this generality which makes the device capable of hosting arbitrary instruments.  

Here's a video showing off some of the devices capabilities:

 Images and video's created by the device are available on our media page Our Instagram , and our YouTube Channel

The hardware has a wide array of I/O channels.   There are knobs & buttons on the top as well as a touchscreen, for direct control of the device.  The back of the device has 8 CV jacks, DIN MIDI input & output ports, and 1/8 jacks for input & output of audio rate signals, which the device uses for audio analysis. The device can extract BPM info from these signals, which can then be used for LFO frequencies and event durations.  The device also can trigger events when it detects a beat.  

On the left side of the device are an ethernet jack, for system updates & pattern sharing, and 4 usb ports.  The USB ports support usb midi devices and video input.  Web camera can be attached to the system & fed in as textures.  The device will also come with an HDMI -> USB converter, allowing you to feed the outputs of other HDMI devices into the system, allowing the device to be a part of modular HD video systems.  

The device has onboard modulation & automation.  With the modulation section, the device can generate a wide array of spatial patterns, and use these patterns to control the numerical parameters.  You can even modulation the parameters of the modulation patterns with other modulation parameters, possibly even creating feedback loops in the modulation subsystem. 

Arbitrary parameters can also be automated onboard, with a wide array of LFO types & events accessible to the user.  

The Positronic Recursion Studio is currently available for preorder for $1200, and we expect production of the finial device to begin Fall 2022.  

 Please contact us to learn more.